Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More Photos--They belong with the post about Grandma Birthday

Grandma Birthday and Bryan-April 1993
Bertha Pauline Klungreseter
July 28, 1922-October 18, 1996


llama. said...

Our Grandma looks so beautifull and peacefull in this picture!
&& i absolutely adore the picture of grandma and Bryan!! this is how i will remember them.. together once again!
happy && without any pain!!

Reilly Fitzpatrick said...

hey aunt ingrid, i would love to add grandma birthday's birth (m/d/y) and death on the blog for when i print it. can you give me the accurate dates? i am so bad about that kinda thing. love,kel

ps i spelled kathryn's name wrong huh? and lindsay too? correct me! i already spelled kerstin's wrong and i forget if mathew spells his with two t's? so hard to get it all right. but i am trying and praying i don't hurt feelings. i have serious brain fade right now so i cannot be responsible for so much transformation of info :0

Anonymous said...

Kelly, You are doing something here that is so inspiring!Grandma died on October 18,1996.She was born on July 28 and i'll give you the year later because i'm not sure.I spell their names:Kathryn and Lynsey,no hurt feelings here.You are AWESOME!!!!!Peace and Love,Aunt Ingy

Reilly Fitzpatrick said...

thanks aunty! at least i spelled amanda's name right! give a hug to amanda for me--loved her comment. she is following in her mom's footsteps :0 i will await the date.

Anonymous said...

Grandma Birthday's birth year is 1922... thanks for fixing my name... but dont worry everybody spells it wrong... i love you soo much for giving everybody this wonderful place to remember our great cousin... i miss him soo much even know i didn't really know him that well.. well, i love you guys and tell everybody i said Hi and i love them...

WARNING! Tissues Required-Video Slideshow of Bryan's Life-Sorry the music was muted!