Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Naughty or Nice?

Me (Kelly), Santa, Bryan

Christmas in the '70's sometime

I remember when I discovered that there was no santa. Sorry if I spoiled it for you here. I know how disappointed you feel. I was 8 or 9 when my Christmas changed. My mom had asked me to find something for her. She innocently told me to look in the trunk of Daddy's car. I did. Christmas was never the same.

Our bowling balls, my pretty pink dress, and a plethora of other presents were stashed in that trunk. Mom and Dad hadn't let each other in on their hiding places. Oops! Bryan may have already "known" but he certainly did after I went racing back into the house.

In some ways, I think my parents were glad that they were done with that part of the Christmas revelries: hiding gifts, wrapping them late into the night on Christmas Eve, eating cookies nad carrots and drinking milk, keeping up appearances of santa, the whole thing. So after that Christmas, things changed.

I was on the hunt starting in December. Little tidbit: I DO NOT like surprises. I would search the house high and low until I found my gifts. It became harder and harder for my parents to keep our presents a surprise. Which is so sad since Bryan LOVED being surprised. He didn't peek. Sorry little brother. If I found HIS, I would tell. Meanie!

After my parents finally surrendered and stopped hiding our gifts, they began wrapping them as they bought each present and left them under the tree until Christmas morn. That year, I UNWRAPPED every single one of my gifts and re-wrapped them. I know. I know. SICK! Bryan refused to take part in my season-spoiling sickness. He finked on me! Serves me right! Naughty little girl!

The next year, my parents set boobie-traps and made threats. If any gift was so much as TOUCHED or tampered with, it would be given to needy children. I will not reveal here if I ever disobeyed my parents with my illness/sneakiness. My parents have had so much heartache this year. I think I will keep that to myself. The only other person who knows...was Bryan. So my secret is safe. Until the Reunion.


Elizabeth Rose said...

Oh my gosh Kelly, this story is too funny...partly because I was the same way, but you were naughtier - sorry! I am laughing so hard at you and your determination. I HATE surprises too and I would unwrap my gifts too...but somehow I stopped, except this year, I had a gift under the tree and I was dying to peak...it was hard, I even picked it up and was about to peak, but I held in there. BTW...I was in the 5th grade when my friend Jennie Powell told me there was no santa and I beat her up. When I got home I told my older sister "can you believe Jennie Powell told me there is no santa?" My sister said in a matter of fact way..."there isn't" I was so bummed and embarrassed that I had beat my friend up and she had told me the truth.
Merry Christmas my friend. I love your stories.

Elizabeth Rose said...

Oh one more thing...I want to know which one of your kids is now unwrapping gifts early or frantically looking through the house to find their gift? I heard it's hereditary.

Anonymous said...

since i am personally acquainted with the kind of kid who does sneaky things like unwrap gifts before THE day--my children don't have a chance! i am all over it! i know their genetic predisposition! so i don't wrap gifts until Christmas eve AND since we only do stockings, they are small gifts that can be easily hid in my closet which is strictly off-limits in the month of december. though i do suspect that one of them still tries to defy me :) they are too short yet! but growing quickly--maybe i will need to rethink my strategy for coming years--thanks for the warning!

you crack me up! we are a minority and we don't usually admit our tricks...sneaky, sly sisters UNITE! :)

Anonymous said...

I reckon since I did a poor job hiding all your goodies those long ago Christmas, I have no choice but to improve going forward. From this Christmas and all those in the future you will never again know what to expect from us on that fateful day and perhaps a few lumps of coal are in order? Whatcha think? I am shocked at just how much my pretty little perfect baby girl disobeyed her kind and loving parents....... I guess it's true about your past coming back to haunt you!


WARNING! Tissues Required-Video Slideshow of Bryan's Life-Sorry the music was muted!