Monday, February 1, 2010

In the beginning....

In order to tell you the stories that I have in my memory bank about Bryan, I have decided it's best to start at the beginning so that's exactly what I shall do. I don't remember the exact details as to when we found out we we're going to have another baby, but I do remember we already had a very small baby and the doctor wanted to know if I understood the term, "Wait awhile". I assured him I did and that I had, but alas, we were on our way for another trip down maternity road.Kelly was only 10 months and a few days old when she was joined in the Klungreseter household by her younger brother, Bryan David. She didn't get to meet her brother for over a week however because he was born with jaundice and was very sick. Victoria's body didn't get enough time to recover from Kelly's birth and the shock of being pregnant again was to much for her to overcome and poor little Bryan paid the price.She was not even allowed to hold her new baby boy and was sent home empty handed. I was going to school full time and working two jobs, so I couldn't take her to visit and she couldn't drive herself so she sat at home crying and missing her new baby boy. When we finally got the okay to bring him home, we were all overjoyed and excited to have him at home with us. Then the very first day he came home to us, Kelly was playing with her baby doll and bent over to pick it up and cracked her head on the coffee table. Back to the hospital we went for eight stitches in our little ones forehead. She still has that scar today and it would prove to be one of many trips for stitches that would mark her life. Once he settled in he was a quiet little guy. who was a Mommy's boy through and through and when upset, she was who he wanted. I decided to start here so everyone can see that Bryan wasn't always that big giant of a man he became and that for his mom and dad, he will always be our little baby boy who we always felt it was our job to protect. The thing is however, that as much as we want to make sure our children are protected and that nothing bad ever happens to them we can't do that. God is who gives our children their protection and his is the only protection that is everlasting and complete. I know that the hardest part of dealing with my sons death has been the letting go and knowing that he is in heaven with Jesus and is waiting for the time we will all be together again. Our God is a great God and it is he who gives us comfort from the grief that has a tendency to overwhelm us at times. That's it for this time so stay tuned and come on back for some of the really great times in the life of Bryan David Klungreseter....


Anonymous said...

I remember both days very well. The day I found out for sure I was pregnant again and the day Bryan was born. I walked out of the clinic and sat on the curb crying because I just wasn't prepared for another child so soon. The day I woke up on Feb 5th, 1973, and my water broke again I prayed for the Lord to wait (another year perhaps) but this was it. In a county hospital I was not allowed to have anyone in the room with me so on that day, it was just me and Bryan. Going home without him was so hard but I did have a 10 month old at home who needed me as well. I called every day for a week waiting to bring my baby home in vain. Now he is truly home, and, as I am famous for saying, "there's no place like home". Mom

Anonymous said...

i remember that day! just joking. i was too little. i don't even recall the ouchie that gave me the scar between my eyes. hey! no scarface stories. maybe i don't want to give up this blog if it means you will be telling objectionable material about ME! :) don't forget, i still have the password and i can fiddle with the blog too.

seriously though, bravo! daddy for beginning here. i can't wait to read the wealth of stories and anecdotes and experiences that you have of Bryan. thanks for taking this on--and carrying on!

love, kelly

ps mom--bryan was born in 1972 not 1973 :)

Anonymous said...

YEAH11111I am so glad that you picked up the torch.It will be awesome!Peace and Love.....Ingrid

WARNING! Tissues Required-Video Slideshow of Bryan's Life-Sorry the music was muted!