Wednesday, June 17, 2009

An American Rite of Passage:Prom and other silly things

Homecoming 1989-Bryan, Mom, Me
One bathroom-Two kids trying to get ready for the same dance!

Bryan and a date whose name I don't even remember. Notice the year?
I only point it out since there were different girls for most dances.

Sadie Hawkins Dance
Bryan and Salina
Spring 1990

Same Year-Senior Prom-Different Gal
Bryan and his senior year sweetie Salina

Even though Bryan's Memorial Service is a blur, one thing stands out in my memory. Salina was there. I hadn't seen her since 1991 when their high school romance fizzled. But she came to remember my brother. She brought with her special mementos that I had never seen. She had saved them for all these years. And Salina gave them to my parents. Articles from the North County Times with Bryan in the pictures. His senior practice jersey for football. Photos. Herself. Her sobbing self. It moved me more than anything else that I remember from that day. There were other girlfriends there. Ones he dated for much longer. But Salina came. I was moved by that.

I guess it just make me think of how many lives he had touched in his thirty-six short years. He had many girlfriends over the years. I didn't meet them all. I can't even remember some of their names. I think I didn't even bother to forge a friendship with Salina because I assumed their relationship would be passing. But it left an indelible mark on her. And she came. And I regret that I didn't get to know her way back then: she was a sweet girl. I am so glad she came. And if you are reading this: "Salina, thanks for giving my brother happy memories and good times. And thanks for honoring those times by coming to his Memorial and giving my parents the tokens you lovingly shared. I am so grateful to you. You are kind"

Now on to some ridicule. I meant to post these in May when Prom was going on around here. Since Bob is a high school teacher, we get to experience some of the springtime hoopla, second-hand at least. And one of my friend's daughter went this year and there were pictures. It all made me feel old. I am getting ready to go to my 20 Year High School Reunion at the end of this month! YIKES! It has been ages since Bryan and I fought over our tiny shared bathroom for pre-prom primping. My mom used to always say that Bryan spent more time in front of the mirror than me. Check out the spiky hairdo on that guy! I'm telling you! It took A LOT of work AND Aquanet to achieve that look. And I remember pouting because my mom spent more on Bryan's duds than mine (she will object to this statement!). Corsages, Photos Opps, dinner reservations, what a racket! How did she endure Homecoming, Winter Ball, Sadie's, Prom EVERY YEAR for BOTH of us for five years--no six years!?! Because Bryan was still dating Salina the year after he graduated and he returned to EHS for his younger date's dances! Oh NO! Then he dated sweet Stefani who was younger still and he went to all those dances for her senior year! That's gotta be some kinda record! Seven years of that silliness.
WOW! What a mom! I salute you Momma! WHEW! You deserve a medal! I feel jittery just thinking about it. And since I have four kids who are three and a half years apart--I am getting queasy. I am not even gonna go there! I am NOT thinking about THAT today.

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WARNING! Tissues Required-Video Slideshow of Bryan's Life-Sorry the music was muted!